Biogas Lab Course
Day 1 - Introduction
General rules
Food and drinks are not allowed in the lab
Label all tubes, flasks, bottles, etc. accordingly
Lab coat is mandatory
Where necessary: Wear gloves and/or safety goggles
In emergency situations:
K-A-R-L (Keine Panik, Alarmieren, Retten, Löschen)
General rules
- Keep all working areas clean
- Attendance is compulsory (unless excused)
Everybody should know where to find the following objects:
- First aid kit
- Fire blanket
- Fire extinguisher
- Fire alarm button
- Emergency shower
- Eye shower
- Main gas valve?
- Evacuation meeting point
Treatments - Co-substrate
Treatments - Co-substrate
Treatments - Co-substrate
Evaluation guidelines
- 25% Introductory exam
- 25% Collaboration
- 25% Group work
- Poster
- Poster presentation
- Treatment presentation
- 25% Extended abstract (2 pages)
Biogas Lab Course Day 1 - Introduction Thomas Klammsteiner Dept. of Ecology, UIBK Sebastian Hupfauf Dept. of Microbiology, UIBK