
Taught courses and (co-)supervised students.

Current and past courses

Waste Management: Anaerobic Digestion
Laboratory course
Department of Microbiology
University of Innsbruck
Winter term 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024;
[link] | [course]

Introduction to Bioinformatics
Lecture/Computer course
Department of Food Science & Biotechnology
MCI-The Entrepreneurial School
Summer term 2022;

Sustainability & Natural Sciences
Department of Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management
MCI-The Entrepreneurial School
Winter term 2020, 2021, 2022;

Environmental Biotechnology
Department of Food Science & Biotechnology
MCI - The Entrepreneurial School
Summer Term 2021;

(Co-)supervised students

  • Maria Payr:
    Austrian wastewater microbiome
    Master thesis (in progress)

  • Elisa Gemassmer:
    Isolation and characterization of microbes associated with black soldier fly oviposition
    Master thesis

  • Veronika Rehm:
    Analysis of 16S rRNA Illumina amplicon sequencing data of microbial communities - Comparison of two bioinformatics pipelines (DADA2 and Mothur)
    Bachelor thesis

  • Sabine Stockklauser:
    Physarum polycephalum
    Bachelor thesis

  • Anna Serra:
    Models and concepts for rearing Hermetia illucens
    Bachelor thesis

  • Katharina Stonig:
    Microbial colonization on different developmental stages of the black soldier fly Hermetia illucens
    Bachelor thesis

  • Lisa Scharinger:
    Metagenome sequencing and bioinformatical data analysis
    Bachelor thesis

  • Simon Oberegger:
    The microbiota on the surface of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae.
    Bachelor thesis

  • Julia Rothärmel:
    Collaboration in anaerobic digestion experiments
    Student project assistant

  • Nazlıcan Yalçin:
    Assistance in ongoing experiments
    Erasmus+ Internship